The Mechanic, directed by Simon West (Tomb Raider, Con Air) is a remake of the movie titled the same as in 1972, starring Charles Bronson and Jan-Michael Vincent. Here Jason Statham is paired with young actor Ben Foster in a fast-paced action movies and "without ceasing heart stimulate the audience with scene after scene exclaimed at once brutal therein. I have not watched the original version, but frankly I really enjoyed this movie. Although I am also not a fan of Jason Statham, but I must confess that charisma Statham as an action movie actor is amazing, it seems to the present time there has not been that rival his charisma. Face grim, burly body, deep voice, bald head, the criterion 'thugs' let alone less than a Statham?
Jason Statham plays as Arthur Bishop, a professional killer who used to have the title 'mechanic' because the killers are not indiscriminate killers, where they should be able to make the incident look like an accident, as if the assassination never existed there. So all that is done by Arthur already planned in detail and created a scenario like in a movie. He lived alone in a nice house but remote. Arthur had a mentor as well as close friend named Harry McKenna (Donald Sutherland). One day he got a job to kill Harry because of suspected treason, Arthur initially refused but eventually he must still carry out their duties professionally. He then approached the boy Harry, Steve McKenna (Ben Foster), who then trained to become a 'mechanic' like himself. Problems not over, what if Steve knew that Arthur was the one who killed her father?
The Mechanic in my opinion is a movie worth watching for fans of action movies. Moreover, Jason Statham seems to indeed have very specialist roles as an assassin who quietly and without emotion impressed. In this film she played the role of the flagship it very well. Some of the scenes there is a fairly brutal visualization, but the humorous interlude provided great help liquefy the atmosphere tense. Chemistry generated by Statham and Foster seem too well maintained, the difference character makes both of them have played their respective attractiveness to watch. In conclusion if you are a fan of action movies, it is definitely must watch this movie.
The Mechanic yang disutradarai oleh Simon West (Tomb Raider, Con Air) adalah sebuah remake dari film berjudul sama pada tahun 1972 yang diperankan oleh Charles Bronson dan Jan-Michael Vincent. Disini Jason Statham dipasangkan dengan aktor muda Ben Foster dalam film action bertempo cepat dan tak kunjung henti memacu jantung para penonton dengan adegan demi adegan seru sekaligus brutal didalamnya. Saya belum menonton versi originalnya, tapi terus terang saya sangat menikmati film ini. Meskipun saya juga bukan penggemar Jason Statham, namun harus saya akui kalau kharisma Statham sebagai aktor film laga memang luar biasa, sepertinya untuk masa sekarang ini belum ada yang menyaingi kharismanya. Wajah sangar, badan tegap, suara berat, kepala plontos, kriteria 'preman' apalagi yang kurang dari seorang Statham?
Jason Statham berperan sebagai Arthur Bishop, seorang pembunuh professional yang biasa mempunyai sebutan 'mechanic' karena para pembunuh ini bukan pembunuh sembarangan, dimana mereka harus bisa membuat kejadian itu terlihat seperti sebuah kecelakaan, seolah tak pernah ada kejadian pembunuhan disana. Jadi semua yang dilakukan oleh Arthur sudah terencana dengan detail dan dibuat skenario seperti dalam sebuah film. Ia tinggal sendirian di sebuah rumah yang bagus namun terpencil. Arthur mempunyai seorang mentor sekaligus teman dekatnya yang bernama Harry McKenna (Donald Sutherland). Suatu hari ia mendapat tugas untuk membunuh Harry karena diduga berkhianat, awalnya Arthur menolak namun pada akhirnya ia harus tetap menjalankan tugasnya secara professional. Ia lalu mendekati anak Harry, Steve McKenna (Ben Foster) yang kemudian ia latih menjadi seorang 'mechanic' seperti dirinya. Masalah belum usai, bagaimana kalau Steve tahu kalau Arthur lah yang membunuh ayahnya?
Info: imdb
Download Movie: Part1, Part2, Part3, Part4
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Subtitle Indonesia: Sub Indo
payah ni film, saya kadang gak percaya kalo sutradara nya simon west
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