Friday, May 14, 2010

College Road Trip (2008)

This is the story of the child would nglanjutin college. But his father do not agree with his choice, well fitted to the campus would visit the child's father nganterin tu. But dad's not even her choice nganterin to campus to campus but his own choice. Yes about the trip visit the campus so lah. Koq funny, especially fitting that the father told police his men disguised so students and menjelek selected campus-jelekan son.
This film has a message if a child will eventually mature and determine his own choice.

Ini ceritanya si anak mau nglanjutin kuliah. Tapi bapaknya gak setuju sama pilihan anaknya, nah pas mau kunjungan ke kampus si ayah nganterin tu anak. Tapi si ayah malah gak nganterin ke kampus pilihan anaknya tapi ke kampus pilihannya sendiri. Ya tentang perjalanan kunjungan kampus gitu lah. Lucu koq, apalagi pas si ayah yang polisi nyuruh anak buahnya nyamar jadi mahasiswa dan menjelek-jelekan kampus yang dipilih anaknya.
Film ini memiliki pesan kalo seorang anak itu pada saatnya akan dewasa dan menentukan pilihannya sendiri.

Info: imdb

Download film College Road Trip DVDrip: aXXo

Download subtitle Indonesia College Road Trip DVDrip aXXo: Sub Indo

Monday, May 10, 2010

A Millionaire's First Love

Do not judge the movie by its cover.
Do not judge the story by its title.
At first I thought it was just a regular comedy, but it turns out ... much more Than this.

It's true that a lot of funny scene. Imagine aja, Jae Kyung normalcy Ferrari have to ride a tractor ride battered after picking vegetables in the garden. The audience was also entertained by romanticism and Eun Kyung Jae Hwan, except that there are many touching scenes, though not until we make mewek. Until the end ....

What can I komentarin again is the location shooting in the village of Boram. Outside scenery can be beautiful with shades of orange - brown - golden, because it is autumn. Plus a good shooting technique. Still supported by the music and melancholy songs, especially songs that were less instruments. One song is "One" by DBSK (Dong Bang Shin Ki).

Overall, A Millionaire's First Love is a great spectacle of pity to miss. Recommended. Worth to watch.

"Actually there is something worth more than billions of wealth ..."

Do not judge the film by its cover.
Do not judge the story by its title.
Awalnya aq kirain ini sekedar film komedi biasa, tapi ternyata ... much more than this.

Memang betul banyak adegan lucunya. Bayangin aja, Jae Kyung yg biasa naik Ferari harus naik traktor butut setelah petik sayur di kebun. Penonton juga dihibur dengan romantisme Jae Kyung dan Eun Hwan, selain itu ada banyak adegan yang mengharukan, walau tidak sampe bikin kita mewek. Hingga akhirnya....

Yg bisa aq komentarin lagi adalah lokasi shooting di Desa Boram. Pemandangan luar bisa indah dengan nuansa orange - coklat - keemasan, karena sedang musim gugur. Ditambah lagi tehnik pengambilan gambar yang bagus. Masih ditunjang dengan musik dan lagu yang melankolis, terutama lagu yang less instrument itu. Salah satu lagunya adalah "One" by DBSK (Dong Bang Shin Ki).

Overall, A Millionaire's First Love adalah tontonan bagus yang sayang untuk dilewatkan. Recommended. Worth to watch.

"Sebenarnya ada sesuatu yg bernilai lebih dari bermilyar-milyar kekayaan ..."

Info: imdb

Download film A Millionaire's First Love: Download

Download subtitle Indonesia film A Millionaire's First Love: Sub Indo

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