Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Eagle Eye (2008)

What happens when the technology became more and more evolved? Will they eventually become too smart so the control of human life? Some probably going to master the technology humans have ever filmed through the Terminator franchise, The Matrix, and I Robot. This time, the film Eagle Eye is said the idea was born from the mind of the producer, Steven Spielberg, took the same theme.

Jerry Shaw never imagined that her life was suddenly going to mess going after his twin brother - Ethan Shaw - died. Understandably, Jerry is very different from his brother. When Ethan dedicated and became the state warriors, Jerry was just a lowly handyman photocopy. How he was not surprised that one day there are hundreds of thousands of dollars suddenly transferred in his account? How he was not surprised so suddenly just when his rented a shabby room suddenly got so many weapons shipment?

Jerry is accused by the FBI and all American law enforcement agencies as a terrorist was forced to accept help from a mysterious woman's voice called him and became an angel helpers. Following orders was the same woman who brought Jerry met a girl named Rachel Holloman. Together, they struggled to escape from the pursuit of law enforcement, clean up their name, and find out who the mysterious woman who give orders to them.

After watching this movie, that it occurred to me was: "Wow, this is like 2001: A Space Odyssey who worked with a modern setting." This idea when applied in the film turned out to be more relevant because of recent technological advances. Unfortunately, this interesting concept of why his execution is less biting. Potential can be maximized because there is less constrained by the scenario that puts more action movie Eagle Eye as usual. As a result, Eagle Eye's so versatile responsibility. Want to say a movie about the kinds of intelligence and intelligent technology Enemy of the State felt raw, full of action while would say not.

This situation is exacerbated acting of the players. Shia LaBeouf and Michelle Monaghan spent nearly 70% of their screen time together but they lack chemistry to not feel at all. Trying to incorporate elements of romance between them even felt weird and forced. Michael Chicklis those present here, too, his role was minimal and very, very shallow. You could say only Billy Bob Thornton who can steal the audience's attention every time he appears on screen. Julianne Moore also I managed to grab the attention of more value to the audience even though she only appears in the form of sound alone.

Eagle Eye is not a bad movie. For those who want an action film that only requires a little thought will surely enjoy Eagle Eye. Even so, do not be paranoid after watching this movie, the technology until the next few years could not even do what was done in Eagle Eye system.

Apa jadinya bila teknologi makin lama makin berkembang? Akankah mereka nantinya menjadi terlalu cerdas sehingga mengontrol kehidupan manusia? Beberapa kemungkinan teknologi bakalan menguasai manusia sudah pernah difilmkan melalui franchise Terminator, The Matrix, maupun I Robot. Kali ini, film Eagle Eye yang konon idenya lahir dari benak sang produser, Steven Spielberg, mengambil tema yang sama.

Jerry Shaw tidak pernah menyangka kalau hidupnya bakalan mendadak bakalan kacau balau sesudah saudara kembarnya - Ethan Shaw - meninggal dunia. Maklum, Jerry sangat berbeda dengan saudaranya itu. Apabila Ethan berdedikasi dan menjadi prajurit negara, Jerry hanya seorang tukang fotokopi rendahan. Bagaimana ia tidak kaget begitu suatu hari ada uang ratusan ribu dollar mendadak saja ditransfer di rekeningnya? Bagaimana ia tidak kaget begitu mendadak saja ketika ruang kosnya yang kumuh mendadak mendapat kiriman begitu banyak senjata?

Jerry yang dituduh oleh FBI dan semua aparat hukum Amerika sebagai teroris terpaksa menerima bantuan dari suara wanita misterius yang meneleponnya dan menjadi malaikat pembantunya. Mengikuti perintah wanita ini jugalah yang membawa Jerry bertemu dengan seorang gadis bernama Rachel Holloman. Bersama-sama, keduanya berjuang meloloskan diri dari kejaran para penegak hukum, membersihkan nama mereka, dan mencari tahu siapa sebenarnya wanita misterius yang memberi perintah pada mereka.

Usai menonton film ini, yang terlintas di benak saya adalah: “Wah, ini seperti 2001: A Space Odyssey yang digarap dengan setting modern“. Ide ini ketika diaplikasikan dalam film ternyata lebih relevan oleh karena kemajuan teknologi belakangan ini. Sayangnya konsep menarik begini kok eksekusinya kurang menggigit. Potensi yang ada kurang bisa dimaksimalkan karena dibatasi oleh skenarionya yang lebih menempatkan Eagle Eye sebagai film aksi biasa. Hasilnya, Eagle Eye jadi serba tanggung. Mau dibilang film soal intel dan teknologi cerdas macam Enemy of the State terasa mentah, sementara mau dibilang penuh aksi juga tidak.

Keadaan ini makin diperparah akting para pemainnya. Shia LaBeouf dan Michelle Monaghan menghabiskan hampir 70% waktu layar mereka bersama-sama tapi chemistry mereka minim sampai tidak terasa sama sekali. Berusaha memasukkan unsur romantis antara keduanya malahan terasa aneh dan dipaksakan. Michael Chicklis yang hadir di sini pun perannya terasa minim dan sangat-sangat dangkal. Bisa dibilang hanya Billy Bob Thornton yang bisa mencuri perhatian penonton setiap kali ia muncul di layar. Julianne Moore juga saya nilai lebih berhasil merebut perhatian penonton walau ia hanya muncul dalam bentuk suara semata.

Eagle Eye bukan film yang jelek. Bagi mereka yang menginginkan sebuah film aksi yang hanya memerlukan sedikit berpikir pasti akan menikmati Eagle Eye. Kendati begitu, jangan paranoid usai menonton film ini, teknologi sampai beberapa tahun mendatang pun belum bisa melakukan apa yang dilakukan dalam sistem Eagle Eye.

Info: imdb

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