Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Night at the Museum 2: Battle of the Smithsonian (2009)

Larry Daley (Ben Stiller) is a successful businessman. Having a large company, driving a luxury car, and her days busy with meetings and business affairs. Who would have thought if a few years ago Larry was just a night watchman at the Museum of Natural History.

Yep! If the Night at The Museum of the first Larry should mess of his life caused the occupants of the Museum of Natural History, this time Larry've no longer deal with the museum. Until one day, Larry knows that this museum will 'remove' all the statues and displays a long time to be replaced with a more sophisticated version of the hologram.

All occupants of the old museum was transferred to the archives of The Smithsonian Institute, the world's largest museum located in Washington and consists of 16 separate museums. The situation became chaotic because Dexter's mischievous capuchin monkeys steal Ahkmenrah tablet and take it to the Smithsonian. These tablets are relics of ancient Egypt who turn on the occupants of the museum at night. And because the tablet has now moved into the largest museum in the world, all its inhabitants was a sudden move to live.

Larry was forced to intervene because in this new museum is a former Egyptian Pharaoh who plans to rule the world with Ahkmenrah tablets. Helped by Amelia Earhart statue (Amy Adams), the world's first female pilot), Larry tried to thwart the plan.

Night at the Museum 2: Battle of the Smithsonian's arguably more exciting than the first, because the Smithsonian museums have a more varied inhabitants. From start to Albert Einstein, Al Capone, Napoleon, Abraham Lincoln, to Darth Vader and Oscar the Grouch from Sesame Street. The museum is also displaying a lot of famous paintings, and the people in this painting had come alive at night. Fun, Larry also can go into the painting and interacting with people in it.

In addition to the emergence of many 'creatures' new film is also so more fresh than the first because it filled a lot of funny dialogue. Moreover, Hank Azaria acting as Kahmunrah the evil Pharaoh also brilliant. Violent and frightening, as well as hilarious.

Larry Daley (Ben Stiller) adalah seorang pengusaha sukses. Memiliki satu perusahaan besar, mengendarai mobil mewah, dan hari-harinya disibukkan dengan meeting dan urusan bisnis. Siapa sangka kalo beberapa tahun yang lalu Larry cuma seorang penjaga malam di Museum of Natural History.

Yep! Kalo di Night at The Museum yang pertama Larry harus membereskan kekacauan yang diakibatkan hidupnya para penghuni Museum of Natural History, kali ini Larry udah nggak lagi berurusan dengan museum. Sampai suatu hari Larry mengetahui bahwa museum ini akan 'membuang' semua patung dan display yang lama untuk digantikan dengan versi hologram yang lebih canggih.

Semua penghuni museum yang lama dipindahkan ke ruang arsip The Smithsonian Institute, museum terbesar di dunia yang terletak di Washington dan terdiri dari 16 museum terpisah. Situasi jadi kacau karena Dexter si monyet capuchin nakal mencuri tablet Ahkmenrah dan membawanya ke Smithsonian. Tablet ini adalah benda peninggalan Mesir Kuno yang menghidupkan para penghuni museum di malam hari. Dan karena tablet ini sekarang berpindah ke museum terbesar di dunia, seluruh penghuninya pun mendadak bergerak hidup.

Larry terpaksa turun tangan karena di museum baru ini ada mantan Firaun Mesir yang berencana untuk menguasai dunia dengan tablet Ahkmenrah. Dibantu patung Amelia Earhart (Amy Adams), pilot wanita pertama di dunia), Larry berusaha menggagalkan rencana itu.

Night at the Museum 2: Battle of the Smithsonian bisa dibilang lebih seru dari yang pertama, karena museum Smithsonian punya penghuni yang lebih variatif. Dari mulai Albert Einstein, Al Capone, Napoleon, Abraham Lincoln, sampai Darth Vader dan Oscar the Grouch dari Sesame Street. Museum ini juga memajang banyak lukisan terkenal, dan orang-orang di lukisan ini pun ikut hidup di malam hari. Asyiknya, Larry juga bisa masuk ke dalam lukisan dan berinteraksi dengan orang-orang di dalamnya.

Selain kemunculan banyak 'makhluk' baru, film ini juga jadi lebih segar dibanding yang pertama karena dipenuhi banyak dialog lucu. Apalagi akting Hank Azaria sebagai Kahmunrah si Firaun jahat juga oke banget. Bengis dan menakutkan, sekaligus kocak.

Info: imdb

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