Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Avatar (2009)

The film is one that combines two different worlds. If I told my father, as the original cartoon together. This film tells of a paralyzed man who can control the avatar in another world. In the world of avatars, he was not paralyzed, just like aliens so, but they lived a rich man too. Well, something like an alien character of the Indians deh. To exit and enter the world of avatars, he must go into box-like box for tanning. The purpose he did it was carrying out orders the marines colonel. However, in the avatar world, he fell in love with a girl. In fact, he says, live in the outside world is real, which here is actually just a dream. How does their story next? Watch yourself well. :)

The film is pitted natural strength, life itself creatures with human-controlled technology. Humans who use the same technology dibatasin limited oxygen. Meanwhile, troops from the world of avatars can only use bamboo spears and arrows. Si Jake Sully (main character) itself confused, at first he was in favor at marines, since then met a girl in the avatar, he became defense avatar. If it so, 've finally caught her how? :)

Overall the movie is nice homepage. In fact, my mother who ngajakin watch gw loh. Gw mah actually not the intention. : P this movie is quite long duration, not less than two and half jelly. Gw aja who have the need to pee, finally not sempet sirem tuh potty (yes yes lah, he nyirem own people). The film is directed by the same director who directed Titanic, although long, but provides an interesting adventure. In fact there are some important values ​​in this film. The Jake's time in the world of avatars realize, if it turns out we only borrow energy, one day we shall return. Bener hell, even the day-to-day we just borrow energy from the same animals we eat plants.

In addition, this film also provides a motivational speech. Like really rich when Mel Gibson's speech before the war. Beh, Nampol. There are three motivational speech that I make shiver. First, the Braveheart before, then a second speech of Al Pacino (search on youtube aja, Al Pacino motivational speech), then a third well is the Jake Sully. :) Crazy again, after watching this i get two free movie ticket at Blitz. Nothing to do really, but I feel hockey wrote today. : D His opponent main characters also include an example. She is professional. Even the Jake is sempet diingetin for defending marines again.

Film yang satu ini menggabungkan dua dunia yang berbeda. Kalo bokap gw bilang, kartun sama asli menyatu. Film ini menceritakan seorang lelaki lumpuh yang bisa mengendalikan avatar di dunia lain. Di dunia avatar itu, dia gak lumpuh, pokoknya mirip alien gitu, tapi mereka hidup kaya manusia juga. Yah, mirip-mirip alien bercorak suku Indian deh. Untuk keluar dan masuk dari dunia avatar itu, dia harus masuk ke box yang mirip box buat tanning. Tujuan dia melakukan itu adalah melaksanakan perintah si kolonel marinir. Akan tetapi, di dunia avatar itu, dia jatuh cinta sama cewek. Bahkan dia bilang, hidup di dunia luar itu nyata, yang di sini itu justru cuma mimpi. Bagaimana kisah mereka selanjutnya? Nonton sendiri yah. :)

Film ini mengadu kekuatan alami, makhuk hidup itu sendiri dengan teknologi yang dikendalikan manusia. Manusia yang menggunakan teknologi dibatasin sama oksigen yang terbatas. Sedangkan, pasukan dari dunia avatar cuma bisa menggunakan bambu runcing dan panah. Si Jake Sully (tokoh utama) sendiri bingung, awalnya dia berpihak sama marinir, trus semenjak ketemu cewek di avatar, dia jadi membela avatar. Kalo udah begini, udah ketauan kan akhirnya gimana? :)

Secara keseluruhan film Avatar ini bagus. Bahkan, nyokap gw loh yang ngajakin nonton. Gw mah gak niat sebenernya. :P Durasi film ini cukup panjang, gak kurang dari dua setengah jem. Gw aja yang kebelet pipis, akhirnya gak sempet sirem tuh pispot (ya iya lah, orang dia nyirem sendiri). Film yang disutradarai oleh sutradara yang sama saat menyutradarai Titanic ini, walaupun panjang, tapi menyediakan petualangan yang menarik. Bahkan ada beberapa nilai penting dalam film ini. Si Jake waktu di dunia avatar menyadari, kalo ternyata energi itu hanya kita pinjem, suatu saat kita harus mengembalikannya. Bener sih, bahkan sehari-hari kita cuma meminjam energi dari binatang sama tumbuhan yang kita makan.

Selain itu, film ini juga menyediakan motivational speech. Mirip banget kaya waktu Mel Gibson pidato sebelum perang. Beh, nampol. Ada tiga motivational speech yang bikin gw merinding. Pertama, yang braveheart tadi, trus yang ke-dua pidatonya Al Pacino (cari aja di youtube, al pacino motivational speech), trus yang ke-tiga yah ini si Jake Sully. :) Gilanya lagi, abis nonton ini gw dapet dua tiket nonton gratis di Blitz. Gak ada hubungannya sih, tapi berasa hoki aja gw hari ini. :D Lawannya tokoh utama juga termasuk teladan. Dia bersifat profesional. Bahkan si Jake ini sempet diingetin buat membela marinir lagi.

Info: imdb

Download film Avatar DVDscr: IMAGiNE

Download Subtitle Indonesia Avatar: Sub Indo


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