Fast & Furious is a racing movie car-kebutan continuation of The Fast and The Furious, 2 Fast 2 Furious and The Fast and The Furious: Tokyo Drift. In this fourth film Vin Diesel, who once starred in The Fast and The Furious returned to the show. The title is almost similar to the first. Coincidence because he wanted to try a new cinema in Yogyakarta, I finally watched this movie. Here's a quick review.
The story of Dominic Toretto (Vin Diesel) who wants revenge for the death of Letty is killed by a group of Braga. This group to smuggle narcotics to Mexico via car racing. On the other hand there is an FBI, Brian O'Conner (Paul Walker) who is also hunting down the drug kingpin. They both had infiltrated the group and arrested its leaders eventually cooperate. The film is adorned with a nice variety of cars, sexy women and of course the racing scene in the street-kebutan.
The film is directed by Justin Lin earned 72.5 million dollars in initial screenings and shift the Monsters vs. Aliens in the first place American box office.
Fast & Furious merupakan film kebut-kebutan mobil kelanjutan dari The Fast and The Furious, 2 Fast 2 Furious dan The Fast and The Furious: Tokyo Drift. Di film keempat ini Vin Diesel yang dahulu membintangi The Fast and The Furious kembali tampil. Judulnya memang hampir mirip dengan yang pertama. Kebetulan karena ingin mencoba bioskop baru di Yogyakarta, akhirnya saya menonton film ini. Berikut ini sedikit reviewnya.
Kisahnya mengenai Dominic Toretto (Vin Diesel) yang ingin balas dendam atas kematian Letty yang dibunuh oleh kelompok Braga. Kelompok ini menyelundupkan narkotik ke Meksiko lewat mobil balap. Disisi lain ada seorang FBI, Brian O’Conner (Paul Walker) yang juga memburu gembong narkotik tersebut. Mereka berdua menyusup ke kelompok tadi dan akhirnya bekerjasama menangkap pimpinannya. Film ini dihiasi dengan beragam mobil yang bagus, wanita seksi dan tentu saja adegan kebut-kebutan di jalanan.
Film arahan sutradara Justin Lin ini berhasil meraih pendapatan 72,5 juta dollar dalam awal pemutarannya dan menggeser Monsters vs Aliens di urutan pertama box office Amerika.
Info: imdb
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